John T. YouTube video helped ALOT with the set up. Everything you needed came with the purchase. you will deff need to get the special crimper tool (game changer) that he specifies in the video (iCrimp Weather Pack Crimp Tool for AWG 24-14). Took me around 6 hours to install but I'm in no way a professional. They Look FRIGGIN AWESOME. In addition to the fog light, i bought the adapter for the amber back light that really makes it pop from dusk to dark! I got the 2 way splitter so now I am able to have the fog lights turn on on two switches (switch 1 turns only the middle lights-only when I need a moderate assistance during foggy rainy drives) and switch 1 and #2 turns them ALL on which will light up EVERYTHING in front of you. I can't even imagine buying the scene version because apparently it's like 4x the brightness.